Friday, 28 September 2012

Allotment Meeting

This evening 47 people turned up to the new Looe Allotment Association meeting to discuss the setting up the association and brief those attending about the new allotments at St Martins.  The new allotment site is being leased from the Glebe for a period of 20 years by the Town Council and the association will manage it.   It is hoped that this scheme will be the start of building a community of common interest with a orchard etc.   If you are interested in having an allotment please contact Looe Town Council on 01503 262255 or me on 01503 264823

Regards Armand

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Community Transport and Wheels to Work

The link below is for Community Transport schemes, Voluntary Care Schemes, Community Bus Service, Dial a Ride, Shop Mobility and Wheels to Work and Wheels to Learn.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012


Dear All,  Delighted to report that on the 12th March,  2012 I blogged that I had an idea for the council regarding Seagull proof waste sacks, well six months on some part of Looe will have them to trial.   The following areas will have the sacks to see if they work and stop the seaguls getting at the rubbish, these are

Shutta, Shutta Road, Church End, Higher Market Street, Lower Market Street and Station Road about 220 properties in all.   This is great news and shows that the council does listen to good ideas, will be asking the Town Council to support this project if it works. 

Any comments please let me know as always 01503 264823 or

A very happy councillor

Friday, 21 September 2012


Dear All,   I have been contacted by a developer regarding bringing another Supermarket planning application for a different site in the Barbican area, i have sent the details to the Town Council to be looked at prior to the meeting on Monday.    I will provide more details over the weekend for the community but other local councillors need to have sight of this so they can answer question.   Please contact me on 01503 264823 or

Regards Armand

Monday, 17 September 2012

This weeks planning applications

Dear All,   Just two planning applications this week, views and comments as usual to or 01503 264823  Thanks Armand

(Looe East Electoral Division)
Seascape Bay View Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1JP
Erection of 3-bed dwellinghouse - Mrs E Cotton -
(Case Officer - Davina Pritchard)

(Looe East Electoral Division)
33 Churchlands St Martin Looe Cornwall PL13 1NR
Construction of 2 storey rear extension and replacement front porch.
- Ms Jacqueline Martin -
PA12/07877 (Case Officer - SarahStevens)

Wednesday, 12 September 2012


Random Acts of Kindness – Briefing
We all know that the world feels like a less friendly place these days. People live in streets or communities where they often don’t know their neighbours. We travel around sealed in metal boxes on wheel and go from self-service shop to shop – just one shopper in a sea of shoppers.
Thankfully, Cornwall fares better than most places when it comes to ‘community spirit’ or ‘good neighbourliness’ but even here there is room for improvement.
That’s why we want to bring Random Acts of Kindness to the streets and communities of Cornwall this October.
Together with partners from Cornwall Council, local Churches and Age UK (Cornwall & IoS), Volunteer Cornwall staff will be taking to the streets to carry out Random Acts of Kindness during Make A Difference Day 2012 (27th October) and the following week.
So what are Random Acts of Kindness? Based on the publication by the Mental Health Foundation called ‘Doing Good Does You Good’ they are simply things that might be described as polite manners, old fashioned neighbourliness or simply being a good citizen.
For example, Calling a friend or relative you haven’t spoken to for a while, sending flowers to a friend out of the blue, offering to pick up groceries for an elderly neighbour, having a conversation with a homeless person, picking up some rubbish in the street, smiling and saying hello to people you may pass every day but never speak to or praising a collegue for something they have done well.

These are all things that anyone and everyone can do whether at home, at work or out in the community. And the theory is that such acts are contagious. Not only do you feel good when you have been kind to someone else but that person is more likely to be kind to others – thus creating a movement.

Best of all, this doesn’t cost anyone anything. People are welcome to join us over that time in the key towns we hope to target – Truro, Redruth, St Austell & Liskeard but we also hope to encourage our Time Bank members in Hayle, Pool, Newquay & Bodmin to get involved too.

But actually, anyone, anywhere can do it and the more people join in, the more it will spread. We want to work with the press to build up a sense of momentum and create a buzz on social media sites.

But what would really help is if County, Parish & Town Councillors are able to join in and help commit random acts of kindness of their own.

This is the first year we have attempted it and we can already see how it could be done differently next time around but for now, we are in the process of creating a pack for people to ‘organize’ larger-scale events and a Facebook page & Twitter Hashtag for people to talk about what they have done or experienced.

In the meantime, please contact Andy Brelsford at Volunteer Cornwall on 01872 265308 if you require more information.  

Friday, 7 September 2012

Applications in Barbican and Plaidy this week

Dear All,    Two applications this week and as always if you have any comments please contact me at 01503 264823 or       Thanks Armand

(Looe East Electoral Division)
11 Bay Down East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1NU
Extension to house at first floor level. - Mr And Mrs C Keating -
PA12/08101 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens)

(Looe East Electoral Division)

Endymion Plaidy Lane Plaidy East Looe Looe Cornwall
Application to replace an extant planning permission -
Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of replacement
dwelling approved under Decision Notice Number
09/00362/FUL - Mr Stuart Jones -
PA12/07918 (CaseOfficer - Julie Mitchell)

Wednesday, 5 September 2012


Dear All,   I have asked about the local connections homes for sale on the Barratts site that will be for sale from the Social Housing landlord Aster Homes as i had heard nothing for some time.  If you have already registered with them they hopefully will contact you in the near future, if not call them on the number below.   Hope this helps you and if you have a problem let me know 01503 264823 or

Good luck   Armand

We are currently taking peoples details onto our database, and talking them through the process with reference to affordability. Our marketing will commence in earnest in September. In the meantime potential purchasers should contact the sales team on 01380 735480.

There were a number of previous enquiries back in February and we will also be in touch with the families to update them on the current programme. I think some of them will be disappointed because there are only two coach houses (flats over garages) for sale in this phase. The houses that were originally included are now in phase two which I assume will not be available until 2014.



Monday, 3 September 2012

Do you like talking and volunteering ?

volunteers wanted
Do you like to chat? Can you spare an
hour a week for six months? Do you want
to make a real difference to someone with
communication difficulties?
The Adult Speech and Language Therapy Service
(part of Peninsula Community Health) is looking for
communication support volunteers to work with
people across Cornwall, in their own homes. They will
partner people who have communication difficulties
due to stroke, head injury, Parkinson’s disease and
other conditions.
Volunteers will be given full training and support,
and their purpose is to help their partner consolidate
the skills they have learnt during therapy sessions. If
you are interested, please contact Joan Treasurer on
07919 113598, or
Mary Giles on 01872 246961, mary.giles@pch-cic.

Just on application this week

Dear All,   Only one application this week any comments let me know on or 01503 264823  Thanks Armand

Looe( Looe East Electoral Division
Land Off Shutta House Station Road Looe PL13 1LS
Application for Prior Notification of proposed development by
telecommunications namely installation of 2 green metal
cabinets - Mr Deryk Green - PA12/08149 (Case Officer -
Mark Wigley