Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Hope this is help to someone visiting this blog


Helping to make ends meet - new project to provide South East Cornwall residents with skills to manage their own money
20 November 2012

A new project which will offer training to help people in South East Cornwall to manage their own money and provide support to others in their local community will be officially launched at the Torpoint Youth and Children’s Centre on Tuesday, 27 November and Liskeard Children’s Centre on Monday, 3 December.

The aim of the Economic Wellbeing project is to help lessen the risk of rising household debt by providing local people with practical training, mentoring and, where necessary, access to specialist debt advice. The project is being led by East Cornwall CAB Initiative (ECCABI) in partnership with Liskeard and Torpoint Children’s Centres and funded through the East Cornwall Local Action Group, part of the Rural Development Programme for England, with DEFRA as the managing authority, and Cornwall Development Company, the arms length economic development company of Cornwall Council, acting as the accountable body.

The average household debt in Cornwall is around £15,793 and we know that more and more people are struggling to cope with the rising cost of living“ said John Ede, Project Manager at ECCABI. “The planned changes to benefits, which are coming into effect, are also likely to increase the number of families and households under financial stress”.

“We need to identify these households as early as possible and help improve their quality of life by giving them the skills and ability to manage their budgets and debts.  This will, in turn, help to improve the local economy by reducing the amount of money paid on interest payments on non priority debts”.

The pilot project will offer a range of courses aimed at giving people the knowledge, skills, ability and confidence to manage their money.  It will also provide training for a number of mentors who will provide additional support to families and individuals in the Liskeard and Torpoint areas.

As the Local Action Group is nearing the end of its funding programme, it is keen to leave a long term legacy.  This pilot project offers the opportunity to improve the local economy by reducing the outflow of money in interest payments on non-priority debts, as well as improving the quality of life in the local areas.

The training will include:
·         money management and support to enable households to understand the debt process so that they are able to deal with priority and non-priority debts and know how to negotiate with their creditors.
·         creating and maintaining a realistic budget which includes comparing a budget with actual spend, knowing what action to take to balance the budget and updating their budget when circumstances change.
·         Energy Best Deal training to use the internet to identify the most competitive energy supplier, as an introduction to IT and the internet.
·         Accessing independent sites on the internet for information. Template letters for creditors, Payment Protection Insurance claims and CV s
·         mentoring training for participants to provide on-going support to other households in the community after the pilot has ended.

Supporters of the project include Cornwall Council, Torpoint and Rame Youth Project, Cornwall Councillor Mike Pearn, Parent Support Advisors Network, Cornwall Housing, the Council’s Community Network Managers for Cornwall Gateway, Liskeard and Looe, Liskeard School and Community College, Torpoint Community College, Millbrook CEVA Primary School, the Supporting Families Locality Network and Supporting Children & Families (The Hambly Centre).

Following the initial launch of the project at the Torpoint Children’s Centre between 9.30 am and 11.30 am on 27 November, the second launch event will be held in Liskeard Children’s Centre between 3pm and 5pm on 3 December.

Further information is available from Torpoint Children’s Centre on 01752 816569 or Liskeard Children’s Centre on 01579 349157.

Sunday, 18 November 2012

New Planning Application

 Dear All,   Only one application this week as always comments to 01503 264823 or atoms@cornwall.gov.uk   
Regards Armand

Looe (Looe East Electoral Division)
Stoneleigh Plaidy Park Road Plaidy Looe PL13 1LG
Construction of decking to south east elevation - Mr & Mrs
David Richardson - PA12/10604 (Case Officer - Sarah

Thursday, 15 November 2012

New planning appications this week

Dear All,   Several applications this week you comments appreciated, 01503 264823 or atoms@cornwall.gov.uk   Thanks Armand

(Looe East Electoral Division)
Danehurst Bay View Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1JW
Retention of decked area and replacement shed. - Miss Kate
Harrison -
PA12/08810 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens)
(Looe East Electoral Division)
Bay Watch Pendower Road Looe Cornwall PL13 1LD
2nd Storey extension - Mr & Mrs Adrian Lean -
(Case Officer - Sarah Stevens)
(Looe East Electoral Division)
Unit 2D Barbican Rise Industrial Estate Barbican Road East
Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1QQ
Change of use from an industrial unit to a training fitness
centre - Mr Sam Chapman -
PA12/09668 (Case Officer -
Julie Mitchell)
(Looe East Electoral Division)
Terrys Higher Market Street East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13
Alterations to existing shop/store and the conversion of second
floor store back to self contained living accommodation. - Mr
And Mrs Terry -
PA12/10249 (Case Officer - Julie
(Looe East Electoral Division)
Unit 2D Barbican Rise Industrial Estate Barbican Road East
Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1QQ
Change of use from an industrial unit to a training centre,
providing personal training sessions, fitness classes, nutritional
advice and tailored programmes (resubmission of PA12/09668)
- Mr S Chapman -
PA12/10264 (Case Officer - Julie
Page 7 of 11
(Looe East Electoral Division)
Kittiwake Plaidy Park Road Plaidy Looe Cornwall PL13 1LG
Proposed extension and re-modelling of existing dwelling
(Revised application to previous application PA12/06134
refused 17th August 2012) - Mr And Mrs Nicholson -
PA12/10532 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens)

Thursday, 8 November 2012


 Dear All,   Sorry unable to attend tomorrows committee meeting but sent the following objection to the application.  Regards Armand


This application is for a premises that is at the head of Fore Street, East Looe by the bridge and the gateway to the town past which all residents and visitors will pass to enter the town and as such is a key building for the town.   I wish the committee to consider the following before making a decision,

The application requests the following:  LATE NIGHT REFRESHMENT (Indoors) FROM TO
Sunday to Thursday 23:00 hours 01:00 hours
Friday to Saturday 23:00 hours 02:45 hours
SUPPLY OF ALCOHOL (consumption on the premises) FROM TO
Every Day 12:00 hours 23:00 hours
Sunday to Thursday 12:00 hours 23:00 hours
Friday to Saturday 12:00 hours 02:45 hours
Members will note from the plan that alcohol will only be supplied in the restaurant
area, and not from the takeaway. Alcohol is supplied for consumption on the
premises only and sales will cease at 23:00 hours each day.

As members will know that Looe is the major tourist resort for South East Cornwall and as such drives much of the local areas economy bringing in many thousands of visitors each year.   It is a family resort and prides itself on providing good quality accommodation in camp site which surround the town and has a number of excellent Hotels and B and B’s within the town many of which are located in and around the premises for which this application is being sought.  The town as I have said is for families and as such does not have a busy late night economy with only one very small night club and is certainly not a town such as Newquay.   Within feet of this site are B and B’s, shops, residential, rented and holiday accommodation with five hotels within 100 yards, opening to the extended hours as requested with have a very negative impact on all of these businesses.   How can I be sure that this will happen because this premises has previously been used as a Kebab House and this was the affect it had on those businesses.   You can see from the responses that the community has put into the committee for consideration that the community object to this because of previous experience.  The local police were often involved in incidents in the area of this premises and recently the Petrol Station was stopped selling alcohol late at night and was not allowed a extension for a similar application.   Because of the previous incidents the town has tried to reduce the anti social behaviour late at night and last year a campaign was started to stop this.    The committee will I believe hear from at least 12 local residents or businesses of the effects on the town and I add my voice to this objection.

Since the current person has taken over there has been a number of issues reported to the town council, a awning was fitted without planning permission.  A vast amount of signage was put in the windows and around the building without permission.  Flashing lights have been fitted to the building again without permission.    This does not reflect well on a owner of a building in a conservation area and as I have said a key building of the town.

I know that I am supported by my community in asking the committee to object to this application in full

Regards Armand Toms cc

Looe East and St Martins

Sunday, 4 November 2012

The Weed Ripper

Last week the Council and Cory had a demonstration of a Weed Ripper which cleans weeds from sets like in the back streets and the side of the roads.   I must say the demonstration in the back streets was very impressive and the machine made light work of the moss and weeds.   It is hoped that the council will purchase this machine and clean up the streets around Looe.   Fingers crossed.  Regards Armand

Will add picture later



Thursday, 1 November 2012

The following will be in the Western Morning News on Saturday

Dear All,    The following advert will appear in the westen morning news on Saturday as you can see they are for the houses on the Barratts site.  Please let me know if you need help with bids etc, 01503 264823 or atoms@cornwall.gov.uk Regards Armand

Coming Soon!

New Build Homes at St Martins Road, Looe
Aster Housing

19 units of accommodation for rent

6 x 1 bed 2 person flats
3 x 1 Bed 2 person coachhouses
1x 2 bed 3 person coachhouse
3 x 2 bed 4 person houses
6 x 3 bed 5 person houses

Eligibility Criteria

A S106 planning restriction seeks to ensure that the properties will be let to applicants with a qualifying local connection to the Parish of Looe followed by those with a qualifying connection to the Parishes of St Martin by Looe, Morval, Duloe and Lansallos followed by those with a connnection to the former Caradon area.

Full details of the S106 are available from Cornwall Housing Ltd, Housing Needs team on request.

Qualifying Criteria

a)    being permanently resident therein for a continuous period of at least three (3) years immediately prior to offer; or

b)    being formerly permanently resident therein for a continuous period of five (5) years; or

c)     having his or her place of permanent work (not including seasonal employment) therein for a continuous period of at least three (3) years immediately prior to offer; or

d)    having a connection through a close family member (normally mother, father, brother, sister, son or daughter) where the family member is currently resident therein and has been so for a continuous period of at least five (5) years immediately prior to offer

In addition to demonstrating local connection to the locality, a qualifying person must show that they have an income that is too low to buy in the open market in the locality.

How do I apply?

All applicants MUST be registered on Cornwall Homechoice in order to be able to apply for one of these properties. Please call 0300 1234 161, go online at www.cornwall.gov.uk/homechoice or visit your nearest One Stop Shop, if you require any further information on how to register onto Homechoice and how to apply.

The properties will be advertised through Cornwall Homechoice 10th November 2012. Adverts will be in the Western Morning News and on the Cornwall Homechoice website.