Approaching the age of 60 my thoughts turned to the possibility of retirement and a life without work, not something i'm looking to as for me having something to get up for every morning is very important. Yet even if i thought i was going to retire at 65 like so many of my generation these were dashed because i received a letter saying i need to work another year. This means that i will work another year before getting my pension but it also means that i will take a job for that extra year. This is great for me but not so good for someone that may need work and especially for the youngsters that are leaving school and hoping for work. Last year i held an apprenticeship event in Looe with the local Job Centre Plus trying to get youngsters into work to give them a career and a great start to their working life. Currently there are a million OAPs working and 2.5 million unemployed the problem is that about a million of these are youngster who are not gaining experience in the jobs market. They sit at home without purpose, a future and more importantly the lack the self esteem of being part of society gaining respect and contributing to the country. The following are only my thoughts from my experience with apprenticeships and my children's education.
My fathers generation left school at 14, my generation left school at 15, the current generation leave school at 16 and the next generation it will extend to 17 then 18. With the adage of you get out what you put in it's clear that most will put in 50 years of work to get a pension, except the current generation because they have limited choices either take further education or for a great number of them life without employment. Ambition seem to have gone for so many of our youth or is it the way we treat them, for so many they will vote before they take up paid work. Think about it your 16/17/18 what future have you got, for some it's an opportunity further education and a degree. But for so many they find education a bind don't want to be at college but want to get on in life. Do we give them that opportunity of a careers maybe not, but we will fund education for two extra years.
I would challenge the way this country is going with the education system, making our youth stay in education longer is not always best for the individual student. A career for life and the opportunity for skills for life is what many of them want, we teach maths but it's arithmetic that many employers say is needed. Should we be teaching for employment and life skills not for education sake giving a student the right skills for the job or career they wish to take. With the new eduction system we will pay for a student to go to college until they are 18 (about 4k per year average) why not use this in a different way. Allow employers to take on youth at 16 and give them an apprenticeship or career skills with the 4k a year bursary the costs to government are the same but the difference is that the country gets someone with skills. Employers are always saying that the youngsters leaving school are not equipped for work why not allow them to build the skilled workforce they need. A construction worker, engineer or care worker with the right skills will have a job for life contribute to society and the country. You get what you put in and the younger they contribute the more goes into the pot for their retirement. Also the most valuable lesson is getting up and having a purpose in life and being a valued member of the community.
Now for my thoughts on further education and university especially when i see my children's generation coming to the workplace with debt that affects them for many years. Having spoken to many of them it appears that the education does not meet the costs incurred, some degrees have tuition for only a few hours per week, but have a 9k cost. The cost per hour is expensive and if these were paid weekly the true costs would be counted by the student but these just amount to debts to be paid later in life if at all. Even when most get their degree many of them still need to be moulded by employers to fit the needs of their industry.
This idea is just a thought, why not look at starting University schools courses would be shorter because they would have a 9 to 5 lesson plan but cost the same in tuition fees. The students would be in school for 37 week year with 10 weeks working with employers and 5 weeks holiday, just like being in work. Give the student less debt an employer chance to snap up good skilled graduates and people who know what to expect when the complete the course. The country needs skilled graduates to put it ahead of others, getting the right skills for the job and work ethic is good for them and the country.
These are my thoughts, sorry if you do not like them but i am happy to receive comments.