Councillor Armand Toms
Council Report Looe East and St Martins Ward
As members will know that on the 24th and 25th of February Tesco’s held a consultation day at the Community School . I attended both days to get a feeling of what the community thought of this project. On the Friday 370 approximately attended and on the Saturday it was very busy to start and tailed off towards lunch. From those I talked to there was a clear view of support by numbers but many against had a clear argument. To this end I would ask the council to consider two courses of action
a. We carry out a town wide consultation and consider the responses during any planning application
b. Carry out an independent impact review of the effect of any store on the town
Council and councillors views appreciated
Cornwall Council has set it’s precept and after careful consideration has decided not to increase it’s rate which is good news for hard pressed families in Cornwall . Key items of note are that Adult Social Care got an increase of £4m with £3m to carry out some intermediate work to alleviate future need. Housing gets a boost with a proposed building programme of 4000 houses across Cornwall to meet some of the 23k need for social housing in the Duchy. These will include 3k for Social rent and 400 lifetime homes for disabled residents, willing to brief any member on the budget if they so wish.
As councillor will know that the Play Park in Sunrising is in great need of repair and on the same site the old Preschool site is dangerous. To that end I have had several volunteers that are prepared to get together and plan a new play area for the site and the possibility of a small skate park. I have asked the council who are willing for us to prepare plans for consultation for the site in the local area and the STAR association. This will take some time and the first meeting is still to be held but we will engage with the community and I hope that the council will support this project.
Other projects that I am working on are a NHS Dentist for the town and more allotments, these are progressing well and I hope to have some good news for the next meeting.