Council scheme to help residents insulate park homes
Cornwall Council has joined forces with Community Energy Plus (CEP) to help park home owners to save money on their fuel bills and stay warm.
As park homes can be inefficient at retaining heat and are usually excluded from government schemes which provide free or discounted insulation, the Council and CEP will help residents fund insulation and energy saving measures.
The Council’s Green Cornwall Programme has put £500,000 towards the scheme to part fund external wall, roof and floor insulation. Residents wanting to take advantage of the scheme will be offered a grant to cover up to 50% of the costs, and access to an interest free loan to cover the rest.
“Park homes often have the lowest energy efficiency ratings, and insulating them can significantly improve living conditions and increase the lifespan of the home,” Nicola McCheyne, Project Delivery Team Manager for Community Energy Plus. “With the majority of residents being over 65, it is especially important that they are able to have an adequately heated home.”
“This is a real step forward which I heartily applaud,” said Councillor Derris Watson, Chair of the Council’s Housing Task Group. “The scheme contributes to the aims of the Council’s Housing Investment Plan by assisting vulnerable groups who are not currently eligible for Government funding in the same way that those living in bricks and mortar homes are.”
An initial pilot of the scheme will see external wall insulation and energy saving measures fitted in 10 park homes. Measures include external cladding, roof and floor insulation and, where required, windows and doors will be upgraded to Upvc units. Research has shown insulating a park home can cut combined heating and electricity costs by around 30% to 40%.
“Excessively cold living conditions are directly linked to respiratory and coronary illnesses, and increased accidents within the home caused by mobility impairment,” said Stuart Kenney, Cornwall Council’s Private Sector Housing Manager. “Providing a warm environment in park homes benefits the wider society by reducing the costs to the NHS by a decline in cold weather related GP appointments and hospital admissions.
“Reducing the cost of heating a park home will also help cut the number of households in
“I am pleased that the Council, and Community Energy Plus, have been able to step in to offer this support to park home residents,” said Councillor Mark Kaczmarek, Cornwall Council portfolio holder for Housing and Planning. “Improving home insulation will make a real difference not only to fuel bills, but also the property’s ability to retain heat.”
For more information or to register for the insulation scheme contact Community Energy Plus on 0800 954 1956 or
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Council Scheme to hep rsidents to insulate park home
Council support for the CAB
Good to see the council supporting the CAB
Dear Member
As you are aware there have been reports in the news about CAB funding, please see below the Council’s position:
Funding for CAB Cornwall
Cornwall Council recognises that the Citizen’s Advice Bureau is a trusted and much valued resource which offers free, independent, confidential and impartial informed advice to those who need it. Its importance in Cornwall is obvious when you realise that in 2011/12, 22,000 individuals contacted CAB Cornwall for advice on more than 72,000 different issues.
CAB Cornwall has received funding from Cornwall Council since April 2009 to deliver information, advice and advocacy services to communities in Cornwall .
In 2012/13 Cornwall Council provided CAB Cornwall with £406,000 for this purpose and the Council will, despite the very difficult economic climate, be giving CAB the same amount in 2013/14 plus an extra £150,000 to help deliver their valuable services to some of our most vulnerable communities who will potentially be affected by the national welfare benefit reforms.
Sue Swift the Chair of Trustees for CAB Cornwall said: “We are really pleased to receive this additional funding from Cornwall Council to help us maintain our services at the same standard, but it will require us to reorganise how we deliver our services.”
Carolyn Rule
Monday, 28 January 2013
Thank You George
It's not often enough that councillors say a simple thank you to other councillors for their hard work and showing a little respect goes a long way. In the past I thought that this simple gesture would at least put some humanity into what has become a very highly charged political Cornwall Council. Ten years ago when I first became a councillor the councillors seemed different respect was the order of the day and people worked together for the good of Cornwall. The administration back then was a coalition of all the groups lead by John Lobb a gentleman and who worked with all for the good of all, something that would not happen today. In the last council that. Changed with one party having the majority which brought about our unitary authority a bad decision (a blog about that later) from a failing council. In the last four years I have seen little willingness to contribute to the good for all and politics rule the faceless world of the council, twitter and blog don't have to tell the truth. Perhaps a little more respect would not be missed in the political world of Cornwall.
Now back to the job in hand, can I say a personal thank you to George Trubody for his hard work as the councilors for Rame. I know this will have been a difficult decision for you and your family but you should be proud of you achievements over the last four years. Thank you and I wish you well for the future
Now back to the job in hand, can I say a personal thank you to George Trubody for his hard work as the councilors for Rame. I know this will have been a difficult decision for you and your family but you should be proud of you achievements over the last four years. Thank you and I wish you well for the future
Friday, 25 January 2013
Just one planning application this week
Dear All, Just the one application this week as always comments to 01503 264823 or Thanks Armand
Barbican Sports Field Barbican Road East Looe Cornwall
Proposed 2.4m high security fence - Mr Bill Horsfield -
PA13/00268 (Case Officer - Jonathan Luker)
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Road Works information
Location: Castle Street, East Looe
Timing: 25th February to 22nd March 2013 (24 hours weekends included)
Reason: Sewer repair works
Contact: South West Water – Tel: 0800 1691144
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: East Cliff, East Looe
Timing: 25th February to 22nd March 2013 (24 hours)
Reason: Sewer repair works
Contact: South West Water, Tel: 0800 1691144
Public Conveniences - East Looe Sea front
Dear All, Recieved the e mail below regarding the refurbishment of the Seafront public conveniences, East Looe starting soon, please let me know your thoughts etc. Cantact as uaual 01503 264823 or Thanks Armand
Works are commencing on the sea front public conveniences in Looe on the 28th January 2013 and are due for completion on the 18th February 2013 – duration 3 weeks.
If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards
Robert Stead
Environmental Engineer
Environment Services
Cornwall Council
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Progress report on St Martins Road and Sandplace Road works
Progress report on St Martins Road and Sandplace Road works
Progress update - 15 January 2013
St Martins Hill Looe
Slope failure
Programme of works
Lower section of failed slope Higher section showing
signs of imminent failure
Solutions Ltd and CORMAC
Contracting Ltd, Head Office, Castle Canyke Road,
Bodmin, Cornwall PL31 1DZ
Tel: 0300 1234 222
32351 01/13
Post Christmas works
2 January to 4 February
Rock anchoring higher section
Relocation of WPD pole and overhead line to lower slip area
Excavation of lower slip and adjacent substandard wall (towards
junction area)
Rock anchoring lower slip failure
Spray concreting lower slip failure
4 February to 4 March
Micro piling in carriageway from higher section to lower slip area
Foundation for stone walling to lower section
Stonework to lower section
4 March to 28 March
Finish stonework
Resurface St Martins nearside carriageway
If you wish to report a problem please telephone our highways staff
who will be able to deal with your enquiry on 0300 1234 222.
Following a significant failure of the embankment
approximately 20 metres from the junction of
St Martins Hill and Sandplace Road that
undermined sections of the carriageway, Cornwall
Council took the decision to close Sandplace
Road and operate traffic lights on St Martins Hill.
Higher Section of St Martins Hill (Stage 1)
A series of micro piles will be installed in the affected area that will provide
permanent stability to the affected ground.
Higher Section of St Martins Hill (Stage 2)
Tension Crack
Remove any
loose surface
Higher Section of St Martins Hill (Stage 1)
Work carried out to date
The tree and vegetation clearance of the entire embankment
area was completed at the beginning of January and the first
coat of spray concrete applied to the lower slip area.
During January will see the spray concreting process continue
with further coats being applied with steel mesh to form a
robust concrete repair system. Once this is completed and
adequately cured, we hope to be able to start soil nailing the
lower slip area, weather permitting.
The post Christmas works have continued with the micro piling downhill
from the upper section (20no).
Western Power Distribution completed the overhead electric cable and
pole diversion works.
The lower slip area and adjacent failing wall was also trimmed/excavated
in preparation for spray concreting, and the recent slip over Christmas
was cleared from Sandplace Road.
Our designers are working on a design solution for the upper
slip area which has been complicated by the recent additional
landslip which has undermined the concrete edge beam
along St Martins Hill.
We will be carrying out further inspections of the cracking
along Sandplace Road this week to assess what further works
are required.
At present all the works are on programme as initially advised.
Saturday, 12 January 2013
Road Works Information whenever you want
Dear All, If you click on the link below you will enter a site which if you drill down to the Looe area you will see that all the roadworks information in front of you. Put the arrow on the sign in the area you want to know about and it will give you all the information you need about the works and a contact number. Hope this helps.
Regards Armand
Friday, 11 January 2013
Two applications this week
Dear All, Two applications this week and as usual any comments to 01503 264823 or
Thanks Armand
Three Ways Pendrim Road East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13
Construction of three space parking bay - Mr David Mark
Roberts -
PA12/09954 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens)
(Looe East Electoral Division)
Boscawn Kellow Looe PL13 1LE
Reconfiguration of rear glazing, conversion of integrated
garage into bedroom and new glazed entrance conservatory. -
Mr Ian Clarke -
PA12/11946 (Case Officer - SarahStevens)
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Sewage Rehabilitation
Dear All, As you will know the sewage rehabilitation works will be in the town over the next few weeks, there are three listed below. When i first saw this i was worried and asked for clarification on the times of closure and our local Street Works Coordinator gave me the assurance below regarding access to the areas. Will ask for a telephone number for the site manager for any problems, hope this helps.
Any questions 01503 264823 or Thanks Armand
Afternoon Mr Toms
As we discussed earlier, the road closures will hopefully be during the day and open by night unless the contractor come across some unforeseen problems.
During the closures of Higher Market Street , Buller Street and Fore Street a one way system will be implemented using a convoy system/vehicle and marshals. The traffic will be escorted through the diversion route and taken to the Church End/Quay areas.
Any deliveries that are required on the diversion route/closure during the day will be made either on the in-bound direction, or the outbound direction. All the marshals and drivers will be briefed on the system to allow for these deliveries.
However South West Water and the contractor are hoping that the businesses can arrange with their suppliers to delivery early mornings before the closures commence.
Tony Jasper
Streetworks Co-ordinator
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: Fore Street, East Looe
Timing: 31st January to 8th February 2013 (24 hours, weekends included)
Reason: Sewer Repair Works
Contact: South West Water, Tel: 0800 1691144
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: Buller Street & Tower Hill, East Looe
Timing: 24th January to 1st February 2013 (24 hours, weekends included)
Reason: Sewer repair works
Contact: South West Water, Tel: 0800 1691144
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
Location: Higher Market Street, East Looe
Timing: 21st to 27th January (24 hours, weekends included)
Reason: Sewer repair works
Contact: South West Water, Tel: 0800 1691144
Friday, 4 January 2013
Hi All, Just to let you know the latest on the above, the piling on St Martins Road will be complete today. This allows works to start on Sandplace Road because of the lowered risk of slippage. The tree officer will be out on Monday to inspect the trees, the contractor will be starting work concreteing the bank. Then the drilling company will be pinning the bank back to the rock under the road.
Whilst Sandplace Road is closed they will carry out works further along the road outside the houses to do some stabilisation works and repairs. When i have further inormation i will pass this on.
Thanks Armand
Hi All, Just to let you know the latest on the above, the piling on St Martins Road will be complete today. This allows works to start on Sandplace Road because of the lowered risk of slippage. The tree officer will be out on Monday to inspect the trees, the contractor will be starting work concreteing the bank. Then the drilling company will be pinning the bank back to the rock under the road.
Whilst Sandplace Road is closed they will carry out works further along the road outside the houses to do some stabilisation works and repairs. When i have further inormation i will pass this on.
Thanks Armand
Two planning appications this week
Dear All, Two new applications this week any comments as alway 01502 264823 or
Regards Armand
Cormorants 4 Lower Chapel Street East Looe Looe Cornwall
PL13 1AT
Retrospective application for the replacement of seven metal
and wood windows to UPVC. - Mrs Challoner -
(Case Officer - Sarah Stevens)
(Looe East Electoral Division)
The Lighthouse, Bridgend Fore Street East Looe Looe PL13
1. Overhead tube light above existing fascia sign; and
2. Retractable canopy below fascia but above shopfront with
advertisement along front fringe. - Mr S Gul -
PA12/11465(Case Officer - Jonathan Luker)
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
South West Water have requested to close the following road(s) to carryout works to their apparatus.
If you have any queries regarding these works please contact the Utility direct on the number below. Any responses to this email received by Street Works will be forwarded to the Utility for them to respond.
Please note that this is only an Intention Notice and as of yet an Order has not been Issued
Location: Barbican Hill, East Looe
Timing: Between 25th February and 22nd March 20143 (24 hours, weekends included)
Reason: Sewer repair works
Contact: South West Water – Tel: 0800 1691144
Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic
South West Water has requested to close the following road(s) to carryout works to their apparatus
If you have any queries regarding these works please contact the Utility direct on the number below. Any responses to this email received by Street Works will be forwarded to the Utility for them to respond.
Please note that this is only an Intention Notice and as of yet an Order has not been Issued
Location: East Cliff, East Looe
Timing: Between 25th February and 22nd March 2013 (24 hours, weekends included)
Reason: Sewer repair works
Contact: South West water – Tel: 0800 1691144
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Coastal Footpath at Monkey Santuary
Dear All, Recieved this informaiton a little earlier today, please pass onto all who may need to know, if i can get agreement from the council i will be asking for volunteers to help with repairs. Thanks Armand
Dear Richard, Armand and Edwina.
Following my calls this PM I have attached images of the problems caused by the recent floods (and continued wet weather)on the section of Coast Path between Windsworth (the Monkey Sanctuary) and Looe Hill as shown in red below. As you can see from the attached images this is a significant set of challenges ranging from land slips and slumps through to fallen trees and collapsed steps. We have therefore been forced to close the path and advise the public to use the public highway from Millandreath to Loose Hill as a temporary diversion. A 21 day closure notice is in place but I anticipate this will need to be extended in the short term to enable us to appraise the issues and identify the next steps. We are currently awaiting a site visit from our soils team and a detailed report identifying the possible causes of failure and providing guidance on which we can act.
I think it would be fair to say that we are seeing unprecedented levels of damage to our path network and the Coast Path in particular has been hard hit in south east Cornwall. Given the continuing wet weather it is likely we will see further failures due to the saturated soils and this could lead to more closures or even the need for complete re-alignment of sections of the path. All of this will add to the concerns of local residents and businesses and we are very conscious that this also falls within the anniversary year of the South West Coast path.
At the moment we are trying to collate all the issues and ensure that we fulfil our duty of care across the county which is pulling hard on our resources. Once this has been fulfilled we will re-visit the highway diversions and path closures and try to ensure the best options are available to the public, particularly where the route is likely to remain closed into the spring or summer. We will therefore need to look closely at a communications plan and I suggest we discuss a press release for your wards once we have been in receipt of Richards report and are clearer on the options and timescales..
I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news but wanted to make sure you were in the loop as things happen on the ground. If you have any queries or wish to discuss this in further detail then please give me a call on my mobile or drop me a line.
Kindest regards
David Attwell

From: Wood Dave (PT&E)
Sent: 03 January 2013 16:29
To: Hocking Richard; Attwell David
Cc:Bird Tim ; Monk Chris
Subject: Monkey Sanctuary and Struddicks landslips
Sent: 03 January 2013 16:29
To: Hocking Richard; Attwell David
Subject: Monkey Sanctuary and Struddicks landslips
Richard and David
I went out to have a look at a report of a series of landslips on the coast path between Seaton and Bodigga.
I have attached a series of images which show the extent of the damage. There are two distinct areas, firstly the area just to the south east of the Monkey Sanctuary where there has been a sizable slip at the same point as there has been one previously. Photos within wooded section with steps.
The second section is to the East in the National Trust area of Struddicks. There are 2no semi circular slips that have been enlarged by recent slips. The surface of the path is not directly affected, but they are now within 5 to 10 metres. I was not able to take good photos of the two slips.
The path is currently closed under a 21 day order and there is a diversion in place along the road.
Richard – if you are looking at this in the near future then it might be wise if I went with you as there is a route through some private sheds which will save a large amount of walking. There are also a number of hung up trees which are a danger and there is no phone signal.
Dave Wood
Countryside Officer
Public Rights of Way
0300 1234 202

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