Friday, 30 March 2012
Dear All, This weeks planning applications, any comments to
Thanks Armand
Looe(Looe EastElectoral Division)
Unit 1A Barbican Rise Industrial Estate Barbican Road East
Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1QQ
Change of use from a storage unit to a fitness training centre -
Mr Thomas Rawlings - PA12/02398 (Case Officer - Julie
Friday, 23 March 2012
Dear All, Have been passing on all your comments to the people in charge of the new recycling system and have had the following communication from them
Dear Edwina, Armand,
Thank you for your e-mails. The general policy is to issue a box and the 3 reusable sacks, however Cory have said that in certain, restricted locations it will be operationally difficult to service such containment and as an interim solution we have agreed that they will issue disposable sacks at their expense to ensure a recycling service is maintained. A letter of explanation to residents and delivery of the sacks has been agreed with them. The number of properties affected are unknown at this stage but likely to be around 1,000. We are trying to avoid a two tier collection system and have said to Cory that there must be exceptional circumstances to warrant use of disposable sacks. We understand the situation you describe is causing problems and going forward we need to consider whether it is better to continue to use disposable sacks or alternatively develop and establish alternative solutions e.g. ‘mini’ recycling points in the locations affected, and this will require local consultation.
I have picked up on the recent e-mails addressed to Esther and see that a meeting is being arranged to discuss the matter. Some of the properties I mention are in the Looe & Polperro area but it is not restricted to these locations. Hopefully the use of disposable sacks in the restricted location areas will address the issues but we do need to assess these on a case by case basis.
We have instructed Cory to revisit locations and recover boxes and sacks left out where it is obvious that they are holiday homes.
Esther will liaise with all concerned regarding the meeting.
This weeks Planning Applications
Dear All, This weeks planning application in the ward, if you have any comments contact me at
Regards Armand
Looe(Looe EastElectoral Division)
Jackdaw Cottage Shutta Road East Looe Looe Cornwall
PL13 1HW
Construction of a parking area to the rear of property (revised
design to refused application PA11/05384) - Mr Anthony
Sinkowski - PA12/02292 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens)
Page 6 of 10
Looe(Looe EastElectoral Division)
Woodside Cottage Sandplace Road St Martin Looe Cornwall
PL13 1LR
Application for Lawful Development Certificate that all
conditions were discharged and a substantive start was made
prior to the permission expiring for application number
08/00294/FUL - Mr Norman Dewey - PA12/02325 (Case
Officer - Julie Mitchell)
Looe(Looe EastElectoral Division)
Land Outside Barclays Bank Fore Street Looe PL13 1DL
Prior Notification for the siting of a green metal, modular
broadband cabinet
Wednesday, 21 March 2012
Have just been informed that Cornwall Council will be looking into the idea and working with Town and Parish Councils on the use of Seagull Proof Sacks for communities in Cornwall. As you will have seen from my previous blog that i found the sacks in use with another authority and have pushed the idea with both my town council and Cornwall Council. I'm delighted that this simple idea will be looked at to help in reducing the mess made by seagulls pecking open black bags on rubbish collection days. A result, do you have a problem ?
Let me have your input into this problem at
Thanks Armand
Monday, 19 March 2012
This Weeks Planning Applications
Dear All, This weeks planning application in the area let me know your comments at
Regards Armand
(Looe East
Electoral Division)
Tresuan Meadway Looe Cornwall PL13 1JT
Retention of raised platform with storage underneath. - Mrs
Caroline Davies-Hunt - PA12/01571 (Case Officer - Sarah
(Looe East
Electoral Division)
Banjo Cottage Tower Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13
Construction of balcony railings on an existing flat roof - Dr
Michael Foulkes - PA12/01904 (Case Officer - Sarah
(Looe East
Electoral Division)
Banjo Cottage Tower Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13
Application for Listed Building Consent for the replacement of
existing decaying wooden windows throughout the property
with new wooden windows, replace a large window with a door
and window and construction of balcony railings on an existing
flat roof - Dr Michael Foulkes - PA12/01906 (Case Officer -
Sarah Stevens)
(Looe East
Electoral Division)
Riverside Hotel Site Station Road East Looe Cornwall
Construction of three storey building to provide six flats and
provision of parking area. - LLC Property Developments -
PA12/02173 (Case Officer - Davina Harris)
Saturday, 17 March 2012
The picture above is of the new recycling bags and boxes that will be used by Cory from April the first this year. Most of the other information has not shown these in prespective or which shows the size of them. I have been asked many times about this so I have been able to get a kit that will be delivered to all the houses in the area soon and if you wish to see them I have today left a set at the Looe Town Council offices so people can have a look. Any questions to
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Having been a Harbour Commissioner since 2001 it something that i enjoy as the Harbour was a big part of my life for twenty five years being a crew, skipper and owner of a netter and trawler from the port. It is the living heart of the community, but as many will know that over a number of years the numbers of boats has dropped as some fishermen have retired or bought bigger boats and left the port. Whilst recently there are two small fishing boats come to the port to fish, it can still pride itself as having the best quality day caught fish. Life as a fishermen has always been tough and dangerous as well as competative, having the best catch of the day is always a worthy status.
From the next copy of the community news i will be giving a brief insight into what is going on around the harbour, let me know what you would like to see or hear about. You can see some of the information about the port at
Happy reading
Knowing that the train franchise is up for retendering i would ask if it's not time to look at how many of the brach lines are being run as part of the tendering process. For some time Looe Town Council has been looking at how our own branch line is run and knows how important that this service is to the community and tourism. During the last year over 100k passengers were carried by this line which shows that the line is well used and helps the local economy. A local residents Andy Brown (who worked on the railways) has been building up a picture of how the service is run and has been reporting back to the council. The idea of having a light rail system would reduce costs which would help the economic viability of the line for the future may be a way forward.
In the Cornish Guardian today there is an article looking at branch line and asking for input to the Devon and Cornwall rail partnership. Have a look and let me know what you think
Monday, 12 March 2012
Letter to the Editor Re Tesco's
Dear All, I have sent the following letter to the Cornish Times via a reporter for publication
Dear Editor, I believe that it would be good for me to reply as local councillor to the issues regarding the proposed application for a Tesco’s supermarket in Looe and the comments made in your paper last week. Planning is a legal process that can be challenged in the courts and there are two cases locally that show how important that the process is carried out in the correct manner. The first is the Incinerator at St Dennis which has been challenged in the High Court and because the correct impact study had not been carried out there are added costs to every resident of Cornwall for the extra landfill costs. The second is the building of 400 houses in the Bude area where a developer challenged the decision of the council and Eric Pickles judgement via the courts and won. Any decision regarding planning needs to be made with the best information available as a challenge can be made by both sides, the developer and the supporter or objector may raise a challenge to the councils decision.
I attended both days of the consultation event at the Community School and from speaking to a large number of those who attended I would say that 80% expressed a positive preference for the development of a supermarket. Yet whilst that tells me what the community thinks, there needs to be a check against any material planning consideration for the site (conditions that need to be considered during the planning process) and these might be Highways, Safety and Ecological etc. All of these need to be checked, the impact on the road and the junction at St Martins the increased traffic movements, the safety of the public and pupils attending the school, pedestrians crossing to the site, the sewage and water connection, the increase in population on the towns infrastructure (doctors, schools and dentist). If any of these fail then it will be the council who people will come back to and say we failed to consider, so we are in a no win situation and by doing the right checks we can make an informed decision.
This started with a farmer and developer coming to a deal, then a developer and supermarket coming to a deal, the next part is for the local councils to consider all the factors and make a good decision and no matter what, some people will not like the outcome. If or when the developer and Tesco’s put in an application to build the supermarket and the houses I will put a leaflet through the letter box of the residents of my ward and if they choose to respond I will get a further informed look at how people feel regarding this.
When I have any further information on this matter I will let people know via e mail, the press and notice boards.
Regards Armand
Dear All
Every Thursday I travel home to find litter strewn around the town, why because it’s bin day and whilst many residents cover their black bags the seagull populations still finds a way to uncover them. They easily peck entry to the bags and eat their fill from the waste inside and discard what they don’t want which is taken by the wind around the streets causing an unsightly mess. I have talked to other councils around the country and found a solution from another authority who used the sacks photographed in the attachments to stop this problem (the portfolio holder said it was cured overnight). These sacks come in at under £4 each (can be as little as £2 for bulk orders), can take up to 4 medium filled black bags and can be tied to posts, pipes or gates. When not in use they can be folded up and stored taking up very little space and made of a durable material. I will be asking the Looe Town Council to consider getting some of these to trial them and see if our Thursday problem can be solved, would anyone else like to try?
Please see pictures below.
Sunday, 11 March 2012
A message to all the staff of Cornwall Council Adult Social Care and Support
Can I thank you for the hard work you have put in over the last three years to turn the department around and progressing out of the adequate assessment. There is still a lot to do to make further improvments to those we deliver services to and from what i see each and every day i know that further progress is possible. The success of the Safe Places Scheme, Changing Places and Hubs shows that Cornwall is making the best of what is available and working with our partners in Health, Police, Charitable Sector and Volunteers.
Be proud and thank you again
Can I thank you for the hard work you have put in over the last three years to turn the department around and progressing out of the adequate assessment. There is still a lot to do to make further improvments to those we deliver services to and from what i see each and every day i know that further progress is possible. The success of the Safe Places Scheme, Changing Places and Hubs shows that Cornwall is making the best of what is available and working with our partners in Health, Police, Charitable Sector and Volunteers.
Be proud and thank you again
Friday, 9 March 2012
Planning Applications
Dear All, This weeks planning application in Looe, any comments to
Belmont Apartments Station Road East Looe Looe Cornwall
PL13 1HJ
Alteration of existing building from ten to seven self contained
apartments to include second floor extension. (Floors two and
three to be demolished and rebuilt). - West Country Property
Developments -
Thursday, 8 March 2012
Clean Cornwall week
Clean Cornwall Week is when anyone with a passion to keep Cornwall clean gets
together to collect litter on our beaches, countryside, roads, towns and villages.
Town and Parish Councils can use the event to target specific problem spots or
generally clean up, by supporting Clean
Cornwall Week
This year Cornwall will benefit from Clean Cornwall Week spruce ups on 17– 25
March and on 15–23 September when it coincides with the Marine Conservation
Society’s annual Beach watch event.
The weeks are all about raising awareness of the problem of litter in Cornwall and
the impact that it has on our lives. It’s not only a great opportunity for like minded
people to “do their bit” but it also highlights the fantastic work which is already
being done by individuals and communities across Cornwall.
Anybody can join in Clean Cornwall Week – all that is needed is a love of Cornwall
and a passion to keep it looking beautiful! Whether it’s a local business, community
group, group of friends or an interested individual, all do your bit. Local Councils
can do a lot to motivate and help local people and groups organise for Clean
Cornwall week.
Take a look at where there are details of Clean Cornwall
Week events, along with hints, tips and health & safety information on what is
needed to organise local clean-ups. And remember to let us know what being
planned and what the outcome is.I know that Looe Town Council will be holding an event as the do every year when one
area of the town gets some TLC. It would be good for eveyone to do a bit in their own area
to help to get Looe looking good for the forthcoming season.
Let me know what you will be doing and i will highlight your work
Regards Armand
As residents will know that since the closure of the only adult NHS dental practice in Looe back in December 2010 everyone has had to travel a long way to get NHS treatment. At he most recent Cornwall Council Adult Health Overview Scrutiny Committee (link ) a health report showed that the old Caradon Area of Cornwall has a desperate need for NHS provision. I have for some time been talking to the PCT over the underprovision in Looe and have made some significant progress with them and we are talking to a provider over coming to Looe. This has been a long term project and hopefully i will be able to udate you further by the end of April.
If you have a specific problem please contact me at
Thanks Armand
If you have a specific problem please contact me at
Thanks Armand
2nd March 2012: Flying the FLAG for Cornwall & Isles of Scilly![]() Over £1.13 million of European Fisheries Fund (EFF) money has been secured to support the sustainable development of fishing communities in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly. The funding has been made available from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and DEFRA through the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), and is managed locally by Cornwall Development Company (CDC). It will be used by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) to maximise available private investment to build a sustainable future for local fisheries communities. The FLAG area extends along the entire Cornish and Isles of Scilly coast, plus approximately 1 mile inland. The fund will be available for projects to bid into for investment up to a maximum of 100% of total project costs, depending on the project activity and proposed outcomes. The decision making board will comprise of representation from the local community including fishing, private, public and voluntary sector organisations. The FLAG would like to hear from projects that will contribute to one or more of the following key themes: Just follow this link to find out more and apply Good Luck Armand |
Another Blog on Youth Jobs
Dear Editor, Only a few weeks ago I found out that in the Liskeard Looe area of Cornwall 674 people were on the Job Seekers list with 205 of them in the age group of 18 to 24 which indicates that our local youth are finding it difficult to get work or experience. This is why I am asking local businesses to sign up and pledge support for the Youth Contract in the Liskeard Looe area and throughout Cornwall . I am asking for local employers to give youth a chance because they are our future and without skills or chances of obtaining skills they will find the future difficult in the job market. My question would be for business “ Is your company or business able to help Cornwall’s youth “, if so follow the link below.
Armand Toms
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service (CFRS) is hosting three awareness events in March to dispel myths about careers in the fire service.
CFRS is opening its doors to people who may not have previously thought about becoming a firefighter. The events are aimed at under-represented groups, for example women and people from BME (Black and Minority Ethnic) communities.
During the two-hour sessions, participants will be able to learn more about the service, the role of a firefighter and the recruitment process.
“The role of a firefighter is continually changing to meet the constant new challenges that face the fire and rescue service nationally and our local community,” said Group Manager Kathryn Billing from CFRS.
“We want our firefighters to reflect the community we serve and are running these awareness events for people for under-represented groups who have not considered a career in the fire service before. In particular, we want to hear from women and people from BME communities.
“You do not have to attend a session to apply to become a firefighter - this is your opportunity to find out more about the role and the service by talking to current serving firefighters. Our Human Resources team will also be available to discuss the recruitment process.”
Sessions are taking place at the following locations:
Community Fire Station
5 March 2012
10.00am-12.00pm and
8 March 2012
| |
14 March 2012
St Dennis
10.00am-12.00pm and
For more information visit
To book your place on one of the sessions email or call 01872 323800.
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