Monday, 19 March 2012

This Weeks Planning Applications

Dear All, This weeks planning application in the area let me know your comments at Regards Armand Looe (Looe East Electoral Division) Tresuan Meadway Looe Cornwall PL13 1JT Retention of raised platform with storage underneath. - Mrs Caroline Davies-Hunt - PA12/01571 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens) Looe (Looe East Electoral Division) Banjo Cottage Tower Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DD Construction of balcony railings on an existing flat roof - Dr Michael Foulkes - PA12/01904 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens) Looe (Looe East Electoral Division) Banjo Cottage Tower Hill East Looe Looe Cornwall PL13 1DD Application for Listed Building Consent for the replacement of existing decaying wooden windows throughout the property with new wooden windows, replace a large window with a door and window and construction of balcony railings on an existing flat roof - Dr Michael Foulkes - PA12/01906 (Case Officer - Sarah Stevens) Looe (Looe East Electoral Division) Riverside Hotel Site Station Road East Looe Cornwall Construction of three storey building to provide six flats and provision of parking area. - LLC Property Developments - PA12/02173 (Case Officer - Davina Harris)

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